My name is Frederick Zappone. After reading about my dream for humanity, if you can help me make it come true, contact me.
HOPE is Keeping My Dream Alive until HELP Arrives |
One of the first things self-love taught me is that when there is no hope coming from people outside yourself to make your dream come true, you must create hope within yourself because If you don't, your dream will die.
As you know from watching the news, there is too much violence in our homes, neighborhoods, and countries. As simple as this may sound to you, self-love is the cure for this problem because no man or woman who loves themselves sufficiently has any desire to harm themselves or another, in any way, for any reason.
My dream is for a million people to benefit from my self-love program because the more people who benefit from the incredible power of self-love, the less violence we will have in the world. The end of violence has to begin somewhere and it begins with me. My handicap in making my dream come true is that I have absolutely ZERO marketing and advertising skills in getting the word out about my 'cutting edge' self-love problem. As a result, the ads I run for my program are pretty lame and very few people who click on my ads actually buy my program.
Why don't people buy my program?
I have no idea because no one ever tells why. It can't be because of the money because people only pay a modest $21.00 for the entire program.. And it can't be the quality of my program because from the 150 people plus people who have taken my program so far, I have received nothing but excellent reviews.
To become skilled at making my dream come true, I even took several marketing classes. Every class, essentially, said the same thing to me. Get people's email addresses by offering them a FREE GIFT and then relentlessly send them e-mails as to why they should buy your product or service until they do. In other words, nag them to death. I can't do that, it's not my nature to nag people.
The reason I believe people don't sign up for my program (and I could be wrong) is because most people don't really know what self-love is all about or they believe self-love is something only selfish people do. That couldn't be further from the truth.
To be clear, self-love is not an act of selfishness or conceit, it is a powerful act of self-care. The more you love yourself the easier it is to live in a world full of people different than yourself. Self love is especially helpful in allowing you to live in peace and harmony with yourself in spite of the people in the world around you who don't appreciate or respect you or try to use and abuse you in some way.
Self-love requires a lot of things from us, maybe that the reason people don't sign up for my self-love program. They think it is too much work. For example.
Self-love requires that we give up criticizing ourselves, beating ourselves up or putting ourselves down in any way, When we criticize ourselves, we are not loving ourselves, we are emotionally and mentally abusing ourselves. It take practice and work to quit criticizing ourselves but it definitely worth it.
Most importantly, self-love requires us to give ourselves hope when there isn't hope coming to us from any source outside of ourselves. Feeling hopeless, powerless or helpless is not self-love at all, it is just more forms of self-abuse.
I have given myself hope every day for the last five years, including today, that this will be the day when my self-love program catches on like wild fire and my dream of a million people benefiting from my program begins to come true for me.
Giving myself hope every day inspires and empowers me. it's my insurance policy that prevents me from feeling depressed, discouraged or defeated
By the way, in case you are wondering what the other benefits of self-love are, here are the ones I've received from teaching myself all about self-love.
The more I loved myself, the easier it became for me to trust myself and to instantly recognize the people I can and cannot trust.
The more I loved myself, the easier it was for me to attract people who love me exactly the way I am rather than wanting me to be different than I am.
The more I loved myself, the less people annoyed, hurt or disappointed me.
One of the benefits of teaching myself all about self-love is I learned how to quit being angry and upset with myself. I realized that when I was angry and upset with myself, I wasn't loving myself, I was thoughtlessly abusing myself.
As you know, from your own experience, nothing good comes out of hating yourself, putting yourself down, criticizing yourself or being upset or angry with yourself.
It is my experience that anger is a learned REACTION. It is how the authority figures in our lives raised us up. For example, if you 'don't do this or that' I will get angry at you. OR, if you do 'that' you will really upset me. .
People used their negative emotions to control us and unwittingly we learned to do the same thing with other people. Being angry and upset works on kids because they are too small to defend themselves but being angry and upset with adults only creates more anger and upset which, if left unchecked, leads to violence and wars.
When I started on my self-love journey I found out there wasn't a lot of material available that could precisely tell me how to love myself more. The material I read, about self-love, was either too complicated to understand or written by people who believed self-love was a selfish act rather than an POWERFUL act of self-care.
As I progressed through the stages of loving myself more I kept detailed notes and wrote down everything I was learning about loving myself sufficiently.
I wrote down every insight that made it possible for me to love myself more. As a result of applying the information I learned about loving myself sufficiently, my life improved mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially.
I discovered the more I loved myself, the easier life became for me and the more good things I attracted to myself with no effort at all.
If someone told me that by loving myself more I would solve every problem I had including relationship, health, and money problems, I would have 'consciously' started loving myself more years ago.
My personal experiences and experiences of the people who came before you, who have taken my self-love program, taught me that 'thoughts of love' open up the creative side of our brain while 'thoughts of fear and worry' shut it down.
The more we love ourselves, the more often we think in creative ways that makes it possible for us to experience more abundance in every area of your life. Experience has shown me that the amount of happiness and prosperity we enjoy in life is directly tied to how much or how little we love and appreciate ourselves.
After writing down everything I learned about self-love, I shared what I knew about the subject with some of my close friends, They encouraged me to make my thoughts on self-love available to anyone who was interested in them.
As a result of the encouragement I received, everything I learned about self-love I put into a program I call the 21 Day Self-Love Program. I call it that because the content of my program is delivered to you via e-mail over a period of 21 days.
Comments From Folks Who Purchased My Self-Love Program
• Frederick this new paradigm of self-love that you are teaching is truly revolutionary. I'm glad I've embarked on the 21-Days Self-Love journey. It is exactly what I have been looking for to wake me up to the habits that no longer serve me so that I can install self-loving thoughts and behaviors. - McKinley Williams, Los Angeles
• Mr. Zappone your Self-Love program has opened me up and improved EVERY area of my life. My self-awareness, confidence, energy and motivation has grown by leaps and bounds. And my sense of well being has increased too. I highly recommend your program. I only wish I had done this sooner. Tina Moore, UT
• As a result of doing the things you suggested in your self-love program, I noticed that the other things I wanted to achieve, besides loving myself more, started to manifest by themselves, as if by magic. Who would of thought that self love could make miracles happen but it does. Thank you, Thank you. - Maria B. Australia
• After a week of being into your program, I'm already noticing changes. I had frequent heart palpitations due to anxiety, which have disappeared. My cravings for sweets, which made it nearly impossible to lose weight and are now non-existent. I still have a lot of work to do, but I can't wait to see what happens in the future. - Michael D., VA
• Thank you for all your wisdom, Frederick. I look forward to each little nugget of gold I get from you. .---brilliant messages full of fantastic thoughts. - Abby C. NYC
The biggest self-love benefit is that it teaches us how to love and accept ourselves exactly as we are and in the process it makes it possible for us to love and accept all others different than ourselves. This eliminates pain and drama from our lives..
If you can't help me in a major way in making my dream come true of a million people benefiting from my program, you can still help by purchasing a copy of my program for your personal use or to be shared with a member of your family.
My program is awesome for tweens and teenagers.
No matter the problem (relationship, health or money), the answer is always the same, More self-love |
21 Day Self-Love Program
The content of my Self-Love program is delivered to you in bite size chunks over a period of twenty-one days via email to insure you receive maximum results from my program.
One time Payment
After making your payment, be sure to click on the RETURN TO FREDERICK ZAPPONE BUTTON located on the payment receipt page so you can immediately receive the first of your 21 self-love emails.