Days Remaining to MILLION DOLLAR Intention Completion Date - 351

2 Sign ups for the week of March 1, 2015

Total Signs up Thru Saturday, March 7, 2015 - 5


DAILY RESULTS: Sunday, March 1, 2015 ......................... 1 Sign up

While the result seem small, right now, on the outside, the momentum building on the inside is rather amazing. What you can't see is the behind the scenes activity of the increased number of people sharing my posts about my 21 Day Self-Love Program on Facebook, Twitter, Google + and other social media sites.

To make an intention come true takes patience, consistency, trust, faith and inspired action.

I have no doubt that when we arrive at February 22nd of 2016, twelve months from the time I set my $1,000,000 intention, you will see that it has come true.

DAILY RESULTS: Monday, March 2, 2015 ......................... 0 Sign up

Today, I noticed I was pressing, trying too hard to make my intention come true, that happens to all of us. When we really, really want something, FEAR creeps in without us noticing it and we begin pressing. Today is a day for me to focus on relaxing more and only take inspired action, actions that feel good, free of fear.

Fear shows up in many forms and is an ALERT SIGNAL that we are thinking the wrong thoughts and/or taking the wrong actions to make our intention come true. When that happens to me, it is time to play more, relax more, have more fun. And while I am playing in a relaxed state of mind, inspired thoughts and ideas will come to me that will move my intention forward with no effort or struggle at all.

DAILY RESULTS: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 ......................... 0 Sign up

I must admit, I am impatient and do not like seeing ZERO sign ups. I understand why I have ZERO sign ups, not enough people sharing my site. I accept that is the problem but I do not have to like it..

Patience, on my part, is required because I know if I persist with making my intention come true, it will.

DAILY RESULTS: Wednesday, March 4, 2015 ......................... 1 Sign up

I am employing the Power of Non-Resistance to make my intention come true. Which means I do not resist any thought, feeling or event that lives in opposition to my intention coming true. The #1 reason people fail to make their intentions come true is that when they hit an obstacle or roadblock, they resist it or fight with it rather than becoming like the 'wind and water' and flowing up, over, around or under it.

Non-Resistance produces BIG TIME RESULTS

DAILY RESULTS: Thursday, March 5, 2015 ......................... 0 Sign up

Part of making an intention come true is is dealing with periods of boredom, lack of creative ideas and not knowing what to do next. When that happens, that is the UNIVERSE telling you it is time to take a break and go play. It is time to let the UNIVERSE work behind the scenes of your life attracting people to your site while you are out playing. When it is time to do your part again the UNIVERSE will flood your mind with inspired thoughts and actions. Inspired thoughts and actions produce results, fear-based thoughts and actions do not.

DAILY RESULTS: Friday, March 6, 2015 ......................... 0 Sign up

Today is the day I surrender not as in defeat but as in giving up all thoughts and feelings that live between myself and seeing my MILLION DOLLAR intention come true.

It does not matter what people call my intention now (illogical, crazy, insane,dumb, stupid), it only matters at the end of twelve months that they call my intention a stroke of GENIUS!

DAILY RESULTS: Saturday, March 7, 2015 ......................... 0 Sign up

Am I discouraged with the fact that more people haven't yet signed up for my Self-Love proram? I have those feelings. The difference between myself and someone who fails at making their intention come true is I don't allow feelings of discouragement to discourage me. I noticed them, allow them to harmlessly pass me by like clouds in the sky and look to see what inspired action I can take next to make my intention come true. Success comes to those who allow feelings of discouragement to pass them by and take persistent inspired action.



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Forgiving ourself for the mistakes we make or for feeling like we are not strong enough, smart enough or good enough is a very important part of loving ourself.

Sufficient self-love causes the things that have gone wrong in our life to turn out right.

Loving yourself sufficiently is not being selfish or conceited, it is a powerful act of self care. As you know, from your own life experiences, nothing good ever comes out of feeling bad, hating yourself, putting yourself down or criticizing yourself in any way.

The truth be told, the more your love yourself, exactly as you are, the easier life becomes for you and the more good things you attract to yourself.

If someone told me, when I was I younger, that by loving myself more I would solve every problem I had (including money and health problems), I would have started working on loving myself more years ago. Listed below are ten benefits of loving yourself more.

When I started on my self-love journey I found out there wasn't a lot of material available that could precisely tell me how to love myself more. Most of the material I read was either too complicated to understand or it was written by people who actually believed self-love was a selfish act rather than an act of self-care.

As I progressed through the stages of loving myself more I kept detailed notes and wrote down everything I was learning about loving myself sufficiently.

I wrote down every thought and every insight that caused me to love myself more. Those thoughts and insights made me, consistently, feel warm and fuzzy on the inside regardless of the negative people and circumstances outside of me.

After sharing my thoughts and insights about self-love with some of my close friends, I was encouraged to make my thoughts and insights on self-love available to anyone who was interested in them.

As a result of the encouragement I received, everything I learned about loving ourselves sufficiently I put into a program called the 21 Day Self-Love program. It is delivered to you via e-mail over a period of twenty-one days.

The program is available to you for a one time donation in the amount of your choosing. There are no advanced programs to buy. In addition, you will receive no other e-mails from me other than the ones where I am answering questions you sent me,

Click on the button below to receive your copy of the 21 Day Self-Love program.


Frederick Zappone


21 Day Self-LOVE Program

Powerful, Conscise and Compassionate

The content of my program is delivered to you in bite size chunks over a period of twenty-one days via email to insure you receive maximum results from my program - Frederick Zappone

Suggested donation $1.00 and up



After making your donation, click the RETURN TO FREDERICK ZAPPONE BUTTON located on donation receipt page to receive the program


What people saying about my writings

•"I have studied tons of psychological literature in my work, from ancient times till present theories, and none of them allowed me to achieve such deep insights in such a short period of time as your material has." -Katerina Bosin M.D , Tennessee

• "The information in your writings gave me so many insights and answers. It is a jewel, a part of God speaking through this medium. It helps on all levels‘of development." There is more power in your writings than all of those lengthy books."- Thank You! Ciprian Ostap, Canada

• "I don't think I could have gotten through what I have, much less turned my life around, if I hadn't discovered your writings. You will never know the miracle you caused in my life." - Liz, CA

• "There is absolutely much more results with your information than there is with our psychological service. I can see God in you and feel His presence around you." Hilda, Western, Pennsylvania

• Honestly Mr. Zappone, had I not found you and your writings, I'd be dead right now. That is how much your writings touch my life. - Cathy K., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

• I have just started reading and I know these things are very true, as I have always known, but to read what has been handed to you makes it more real for me and much easier to believe in myself. Thank you both for the insights and the reinforcement I needed. - Donna Marie - Canada

• I believe your writings have hit the target. You have a way, through your writings, to hold our hands and guided us slowly and cautiously down a path and I admire that quality. - Terri

• The kind of writing that you are doing is what thousands of us are looking for. You write extremely well and get to the heart of the matter in a matter of minutes. - James Kavanaugh, Kalamazoo, Michigan