3 Sign ups for the week of February 22, 2015


DAILY RESULTS: Sunday, February 22, 2015 ......................... 0 Sign ups

For me to get the results I want I have to be okay when I see no results. If I take no results as rejection or that my offer is no good or that I did something wrong, I will push the results I want away from me.

My responsibility is to keep my FOCUS on what I do want, which is generating $1,000,000 from people signing up for my Self-Love program for a donation of $1.00 or more. My responsibility is to see and feel what I want as a done deal in my mind's eye (my imagination) because whatever I see as a done deal in my inner world ultimately becomes reality in my outer world. Everything in life is created twice, first mentally, then physically.

DAILY RESULTS: Monday, February 23, 2015 ......................... 0 Sign ups

I cannot afford to allow my fear of what other people might think of me stop me from keeping my focus on what I DO WANT, which is $1,000,000 from people signing up for my Self- Love program for a donation.

Focused attention is what creates REALITY. If focused attention didn't create reality, Bill Gates would've never invented WINDOWS, Steve Jobs would've never created the IPHONE and Facebook and Twitter would have never become the giants they are today. Whatever you focus your attention on, you attract more of the same.

DAILY RESULTS: Tuesday, February 24, 2015 ......................... 1 Sign up

Since I set my intention to make $1,000,000 from my Self-Love program, fear has served up to me all the reasons why my intention won't come true. I have to remind myself that fear is the GREAT LIAR and if I buy into my fears, they will come true. Fear is nothing more than (F)alse (E)vidence (A)ppearing (R)real.

I do not focus my attention on my fears because my fears are a 'don't want'. Instead I use fear as an ALERT SIGNAL to shift my focus to what I DO WANT (what feels good, what inspires me) and that is generating $1,000,000 from people signing up for my 'cutting edge' 21 Day self-love program for a donation.

DAILY RESULTS: Wednesday, February 25, 2015 ......................... 1 Sign up

THE STORY WE TELL OURSELF IS THE LIFE WE CREATE FOR OURSELF. There are two possible stories to tell yourself when you are in the process of making your intention come true like I am.

One story goes like this; no one likes what I have to offer, no one is interested in my offer. People are thinking what I am offering them is dumb and stupid. That story will produce results you won't like, it will push the success you want away from you and you will fail.

The second story goes like this; people are enthusiastic about what I am doing. They are very excited about what I have to offer them. They are buying my program and sharing their excitement about my program with their friends. This story will produce the results you like, it will attract the success you want.

Reality is a result of the story we tell ourselves. Tell yourself a good one. And keep telling yourself the good story until you feel it and once you feel it, your story will begin to manifest itself into your physical reality.

DAILY RESULTS: Thursday, February 26, 2015 ......................... 0 Sign ups

As I move forward to make my million dollar dream come true, it takes faith in myself and trust that, no matter any evidence to the contrary, my intention is in the process of coming true.

Faith and Trust are required when I don't know what action to take next and fear begins to seep into my mind. It is during those times that I must trust that the 'organizing intelligent of the universe' is operating behind the scenes of my life orchestrating people and events in my favor so my intention does come true.

It is also important that I do not take any action unless I feel INSPIRED to do so. Inspired action will lead me to the results I want while fear-based action will move me further away from the results I want and keep what I want at a distance from myself, always just outside my reach.

DAILY RESULTS: Friday, February 27, 2015 ......................... 1 Sign up

For my MILLION DOLLAR intention to come true, my web page has to go viral in order to get enough people visiting my site and signing up for my 21 Day cutting edge Self-Love Program.

My part in making my site go viral is picturing it in my mind's eye (my imagination) as a DONE deal.

Once I begin 'feeling the picture' in my mind's eye as real, that feelings will be reflected by the people, in my physical world, sharing my Million Dollar intention page with others in ever increase numbers. This is not idle talk on my part. What I am talking here is based on hard science and the laws of physics. Feeling my mental viral picture as real ACTIVIATES the law of the physics to make my visualized picture come true.

DAILY RESULTS: Saturday, February 28, 2015 ......................... 0 Sign up

Seven days down and 298 days to go to make my Million dollar intention come true.

The results, so far (three sign ups in seven days) doesn't sound like much. However, I have GREAT FAITH that a little will turn into a lot. For example, one national article about my intention or an unexpected endorsement by a high profile CELEBRITY can make 'a few orders turn into an abundance of orders'' over night.

What comes true are the things we have great faith in and visualize in our mind's eye as a done deal.

It's a fact, everything we want in life comes to us through and from other people and that includes making a BIG INTENTION, like mine, come true. You can help make my intention come true simply by sharing my MILLION DOLLAR intention page on one of your social media sites.

What's in it for you? Nothing much except the satisfaction of knowing you contributed, in some small but very important way, in making another person's dream come true.

Please share my web page on your favorite social network site


Help me bring more expressions of love into the world. Donate one dollar or more and receive my cutting edge 21 Day Self-LOVE Program

Loving ourselves is not being selfish or conceited, it is a powerful act of self care.

As I discovered the hard way, nothing good ever came out of feeling bad, hating myself, putting myself down or criticizing myself in any way.

If someone told me, when I was I younger that by loving myself more I would solve every problem I had (including money and health problems), I would have started working on loving myself more years ago. Listed below are ten benefits of loving yourself more.

1. Health and energy improves spontaneously, as if by magic.

2. Doubts about yourself and your ability to succeed vanish.

3. Finding and enjoying 'loving relationships' is easy to do.

4. Worry and fear begin disappearing for no logical reason you can explain.

5. People's disapproval of what you say and do no longer bothers you.

6. Accepting and approving of yourself, exactly as you are, is easy to do.

7. Guilt, blame and shame become non-issues for you.

8. Your mind transforms itself from one of conflict to one of peace.

9. Money ceases being a problem for you, abundance flows easily.

10. You find it easy to forgive yourself for the mistakes you have made..

Forgiving yourself for not being strong enough, smart enough, good looking enough or knowing the solution to every problem is a very important part of loving yourself..

When I started on my self-love journey I found out there wasn't a lot of material available that could precisely tell me how to love myself more. Most of the material I read was either too complicated to understand or it was written by people who actually believed self-love was a selfish act rather than an act of self-care.

As I progressed through the stages of loving myself more I kept detailed notes and wrote down everything I was learning about loving myself sufficiently.

I wrote down every thought and every insight that caused me to love myself more. Those thoughts and insights made me, consistently, feel warm and fuzzy on the inside regardless of the negative people and circumstances outside of me.

After sharing my thoughts and insights about self-love with some of my close friends, I was encouraged to make my thoughts and insights on self-love available to anyone who was interested in them. As a result of the encouragement I received, everything I learned about loving myself sufficiently I put into a program I call Self-Love.

I want everyone who is interested in loving themselves more to have my program without money being a problem for them. As a result, I have made my Self-Love program available to people for a donation in the amount of their choosing.

As you read through your copy of my Self-Love program, if you have questions about about the easiest and fastest way to love yourself best, send them my way. You will receive a reply back from me as quickly as possible,



Frederick Zappone



The content of my program is delivered to you in bite size chunks over a period of twenty-one days via email. This makes the content of my program easy to digest, understand and apply to your busy daily life.- Frederick Zappone

To receive your copy of the program, donate now



After making your donation, click the RETURN TO FREDERICK ZAPPONE BUTTON located on donation receipt page to receive the program


What people saying about my writings

•"I have studied tons of psychological literature in my work, from ancient times till present theories, and none of them allowed me to achieve such deep insights in such a short period of time as your material has." -Katerina Bosin M.D , Tennessee

• "The information in your writings gave me so many insights and answers. It is a jewel, a part of God speaking through this medium. It helps on all levels‘of development." There is more power in your writings than all of those lengthy books."- Thank You! Ciprian Ostap, Canada

• "I don't think I could have gotten through what I have, much less turned my life around, if I hadn't discovered your writings. You will never know the miracle you caused in my life." - Liz, CA

• "There is absolutely much more results with your information than there is with our psychological service. I can see God in you and feel His presence around you." Hilda, Western, Pennsylvania

• Honestly Mr. Zappone, had I not found you and your writings, I'd be dead right now. That is how much your writings touch my life. - Cathy K., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

• I have just started reading and I know these things are very true, as I have always known, but to read what has been handed to you makes it more real for me and much easier to believe in myself. Thank you both for the insights and the reinforcement I needed. - Donna Marie - Canada

• I believe your writings have hit the target. You have a way, through your writings, to hold our hands and guided us slowly and cautiously down a path and I admire that quality. - Terri

• The kind of writing that you are doing is what thousands of us are looking for. You write extremely well and get to the heart of the matter in a matter of minutes. - James Kavanaugh, Kalamazoo, Michigan